Friday, April 08, 2005

an eventful day....

april 09..

awoken by the phone alarm i woke up.. not expecting wat would come..
so off i went to brush up and off i went.. out of my house and off to school.
all was about to turn into something really boring when i saw "miracles" upon chance i saw a shield beetle on the window of the bus i was sitting at.. and spent my time observing it as it surfed the winds..till finally i could hold on no longer and flew away..then as i was onserving the beetle.. something came over me.. as i begin to take notice of things in the background..staring upwards into the sky .. i gasp in was natures marvel at its best.. at least in singapore ..clouds were formed in this ripple-like patterns.. cascading in the skys..while in my ears echoed sounds of porcelain-moby and could only imagine...i suppose this was one of the finer things in life i guess.. and i am glad i was fortunate enough to have seen it..time seems to pause and stuff. hahah..

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then later in the afternoon.. met up with my cuz..he is one cool chould i put it.. we are but 4 months apart..but it seemed closer to two years.. and yesterday.. while he was here.. something happened.. kinda bittersweet.. well he was suppose to meet his friends in town that evening.. and him and me.. lugging around his luggage.. was about to head down.. when his friend decided that they wanted to catcha movie before meeting up before.. so he stayed for dinner and before then.. he actually picked up on where we left off.. in life.. how he was and how was i.. and all the same sham.. well we kinda arrived at the topic which concerned our "future happiness" .. haha. and i was apparently unattached and very was kinda cruel.. hhaha.. well not.. just playin'.. so we arrived at wat girl i was interested in.. and so i told him.. knowing "full well" that he "wouldn't" tell anybody.. till he committed the heinous sin behind my back..he actually found this person's no. in the phone.. and one thing led to the other and before we knew it.. we were out of the house to meet "her".. and it was pleasant.. nothing else ... it was nice.. hope to see her around someday..and thanks bro..

Image hosted by Photobucket.commy cous..

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