Wednesday, March 30, 2005


wathced the last samurai..for like the umpteenth time..haha
well apart form the story line.. i am sorry to say that its the girl
that is in the show that attracts my attention always..after all guys
are visual creatures.. hehe :P
her name is plainly koyuki, playing taka.. the lady whose husbad got
killed by tom cruise..and was living in "shame" as the husband was killed
and she has to house the killer and be kind to him and all that stuff
and she is soooo beautiful doing it.. hehe
here she is..
Image hosted by
her smile is soooo cute.!!!
Image hosted by

and of course there is the main theme of the show about the samurai way of life.. and the part about destiny..well it seesm pretty true and wat tomcruise said actually made sense..for the one time in the movie...hahah not... but i can't quite stand him in this show..hehe.. well he was saying.. that a warrior would fight his best before he meets his destiny.. it's quite true and man only destiny is all and the same. "death".. all of us are destined to die..
no man can alter his destiny.. he can only alter the way her will eventually face it..

so to all out there who are probably cursing and swearing about your life.. too bad..its sad right...sigh.. hehe

enuff crapppin.. gotta study liao..

Monday, March 28, 2005

a prety long one but read it then you'll see wat i mean..

She was not pretty. But she had feelings.. One
day, she felt in love with a guy. A guy she really
had a crush on. But she realized that she was not
pretty. So she kept it deep inside her heart..

She was not pretty.. Knowing this, she still
approached the guy she admired.. Upon
approaching him, she asked his name and
asked for his number.. They came into contact
with each other..The lady was so happy
and she felt nice talking to the guy..

She was not pretty.. She had to remember this all
the time.. She knew she couldnt say out her wish
to the guy.. However, one day, she took up the
strength to call the guy.. When she was about to
pick up the receiver, the phone rang.. It was
him..Her crush... Her guy of her dreams.. he asked
her out on that night.. There was no reason for her
to say NO.. That night, they went to a restaurant
for dinner.. She was not pretty..This was proven to
her at that night..When the guy told her that he
had a crush on another lady. her heart was
crushed into pieces by her own crush.. but she
didnt say a word.. She knew it.. She was not

She was not pretty.. and she knew she wont get
her guy of her dream.. So she intended to help the
guy out.. She took the guy to the lady whom he
had a crush on..After a week, she saw the guy
dating with the lady.. She knew that there is no
more hope for her.. She was not pretty.and this
made her loose her love..sHe just kept her feelings
deep inside her heart..But it was okay for
her love was happy with the lady he loved..

She was not pretty..but maybe her powerful love
brought her guy back to her..One day, the guy
came all the way crying to her..he said to her that
he lost the girl,the girl play timer and dumped
him..he was all in tears and didnt know where to

She was not pretty.but she loved him.. She wiped
the tears off the guy and gave a warm hug..The
guy felt the warm feel gush through his nerves and
touch his heart deep inside..he realized that this is
his true love..

She was not pretty..but she found her love
finally..and she was happy ...

after this whole tear jerker..have someone noticed anything wrong..
i got this form those bulletins on friendster (pple on it raise your hands)
well the origianl title was kinda like does looks really matter.. i was like.. huh??
this apparently got nuthing to do with looks. in the way that to love one does not take looks..well realistically speaking.. love and lust works side by side... without it.. it would be hard to sustain especially when one lives in a jaded society such as the one we live in..if a relationshp works on only love.. its possible but possibly rare too... and the story looks at this guy.. being infatuated at by this girl whom they say is not pretty but loved him.. now tell me something.. was the guy good looking to start with??was the girl good looking to start with..
the girl who was not pretty probably was crushing ont eh guy because of his looks..and the rest.. came after they knew each other..i know i am being cynical.. but look at the world we live in..and see for yourself..i am not saying that everyone is like that there are exceptions..but rare..and the last part.. is not really love.. it was circumstancial.. and most marriages fail because most started this way.. out of sympathy.. or the feeling to need to reciprocate ones kindnes..but no by saying that you love them just because you felt comfort for once when they comfort you when you are down.. then in that case.. alot of pple are going down wonder so many divorce cases are around...anyways..i think the feeling is most important.. may all th lovers in the world love each other truly and, lust and passion is wat love is more or less about..the commitment part.. is more of marriage..haha

Sunday, March 27, 2005

ever felt

like you have so much to say but just can't or dunnoe how to say it..
time and again.. i felt a pressure cooker..i feel like i am about to blow..
but it seems i was built without a valve.. i need to find a release..but i am not sure how and wat it looks like..its another one of those days where direction becomes a luxury.. and i see like a small puny boat.floating around.. while taking the beating of swelling waves (towering walls of water that pounds onto the boat..)

i am on the verge of thinking my life away almost.or rather i already signed my soul to the devil sorta thing..our life is not determined by ourselves.i feel like just another pawn moved by the waves of propaganda and the trends that were spread through the human raise like a vile air borne virus that nfects without you knowing..i feel like i have gotten into a wrong course..this seem to be the only statement that thruely reflect wats in me right me now..

but wat can i do..i feel helpless due to so many constrains..while there are regrets.. i never reproached the fact that the divine powers if any.. have brought upon me alot of oppotunities to befriend and know alot of pple in school..and through the many things in my life.. i ahve regretted few.. but does the way to purpose. really need to be one where it comes close to breaking you..??

it was just another day...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

something to help you know me.. i think..

either you click on the title of the blog
or copy and paste the following

please do try..

Saturday, March 19, 2005

watever you wanna call this...

you know when pple say ..that whenever something good happens to you its luck and when something bad happens its fate.. has it occured to one that you just may not be destined for good things to come ..

i yearned to cry, yet no tear fell.
my heart, shattered, torn and stabbed..
the drops of sore,
in my windows swell,
did fall with every step..

never,in my widest dreams,
wild mirages like these,
but when the dream was awoken from,
the mirage i saw soon cease.

a gift i yearned bestowed to me,
i held with roaring pride,
only hurt by the arrow lose,
from cupids bow did fly.

i yearned to cry, yet no tear fell
heart, shattered, torn and died...


Monday, March 07, 2005

is this information or misinformation???

The spring equinox, March 21, is the beginning of the new zodiacal year and Aries, the first sign, is therefore that of new beginnings. The young ram is adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy. The Arian is a pioneer both in thought and action, very open to new ideas and a lover of freedom. They welcome challenges and will not be diverted from their purpose except by their own impatience, which will surface if they don't get quick results.

Aries subjects are courageous leaders with a genuine concern for those they command, being responsible people, it is rare that they will use their subordinates to obtain their own objectives as leaders, but occasionally it does happen. They do not make very good followers because they are too "take charge". They may be unwilling to obey or submit to directions for which they can see no reason, or with which they disagree. They are much concerned with self, both positively and negatively - self-reliant but also self centered (sometimes) and concerned with their own personal advancement and physical satisfaction. Their immense energy makes them aggressive and restless, argumentative occasionally, headstrong, quick tempered, easily offended and capable of holding grudges if they feel themselves affronted.

As the first sign in the zodiac, you, as an Arian (as you are referred to), is to simply "get something started and lead the way". The Sun in this zodiac position gives your will free rein to express itself. You could be doing this in the form of some leadership role, or by forcing others to look at themselves in a new way. You can accomplish this by knowingly carrying out a deliberate act in the name of some cause that moves you. A negative effect of this sun sign is that you could sometimes unknowingly make it hard for others to relate to you, as you really are.

In your personal relationships Arians are frank, direct and candid, and make enthusiastic and generous friends. You are liable to have a high sex drive and make passionate but fastidious lovers. There is, however, a negative side to your associations with other people. You can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in your companions and, though yourselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others. The intensity of your sexual urges can drive you to promiscuity and a Don Juan-like counting of conquests of the opposite sex. It can also trick you into early unwise marriage which may end disastrously. Arians are highly devoted to their children, even to the point of laying down their own lives, so that they might live. You will not find a more defensive and loving parent in all the zodiac.

It is preferable to be aware of your pioneering spirit and not disregard it. For in acknowledging it you not only enjoy life more, but you avoid being pushed around by others. Your nature is usually push or be pushed, with little middle ground. This can at times be objectionable to others, but you must have the freedom to act, rather then just thinking about it, getting pent-up in the process. At all costs you need to avoid negative emotions such as resentment, regret and self-pity, for they would deny you what is essential to your nature: straightforwardness.

Mentally Arians are intellectual and objective, but can be in rare situations bigoted and extremist in religion and politics. They are good champions of lost causes and last-ditch resistance. They are quick-witted but sometimes foolhardy and over optimistic, lacking thoroughness and the ability to evaluate difficulties in the undertakings into which they often rush impulsively. The great need of Aries natives is to exercise an iron self-control, to discipline the qualities and tendencies of their character to the advantage, not the detriment, of the society in which they move.

As an Arian, you like a challenge that will stir you to action. This challenge may just be frustration; or at a more controlled level, you may have clear direction and know what or whom you're fighting for. If your direction is not clear, then ask yourself and listen to your inner voice. You will come up with an answer. An Arian without a direction in which to go, or a without a cause to fight for, would be against your nature and make you more a "sheep" then a ram!

Arian, do not be afraid to be forceful, for this is the very core of your nature. If you feel fear in your heart, then look for a history of negative events in you personal history, such as violence or abuse from others. Being fearful may also indicate a household in childhood that negated independence and personal initiative in you. This could have inhibited your natural urge to go forward into life as the leader and champion you were born to be. Conversely, such bad influences could also have led you to be overly forceful, or to be unsympathetic to your own need and sensitivity.

You make good athletes and climbers, doctors, explorers (of new ideas as well as uncharted territory, the latter in these days including adventuring into outer space), soldiers, sailors and airmen, and leaders, though awkward subordinates, in industry and politics.

Much as you are the Ram, there is still the little lamb in you, which means that at times you would attain your goals more easily by gently giving in without resistance to the demands of a given social situation, rather than getting your horns entangled in something larger and more powerful than yourself. This is a talent akin to knowing the difference between what you can change, and what you cannot. This of course takes patience, the acquiring of which is definitely your greatest achievement, along with your sense of your own inner softness.
Possible Health Concerns...

Aries governs the head and brain, and Arians are said to be prone to headaches, particularly migraines, sunstroke, neuralgia and depression. Indigestion and nervous disorders are also threats to you, and your rashness, impetuosity and wholesale physical commitment make you liable to accidents and physical injuries.

You like extremes. Physical, emotional and mental, and benefit profoundly by experiencing them; but if your extremism goes too far beyond social acceptability, then expect to be extremely lonely.

tell me is this me?????

Friday, March 04, 2005

i wish i had not grown up.

i fell like i should not have grown up..
i feel like being a kid would have been better,,
alot of complications make you mad.. and many things start rushing at you like waves upon you in the open sea..choking you and depriving you off your air..

i wish i was taken care off with less to do less to worry but i can;t..
on the other hand i wish i were independant..but without pple to hold me back and tell me wat to do and wat not to do..

i lived in singapore as in most developing nations have been trying to push things in the country to its supposed "optimum" state.. wats that all about.. to maintain competitiveness.. i feel its bull sh#t.. humans are organisms.. even machines running at "optimal" rates breakdown.. thsi may sound sad but i feel we as its pple has been explioted kinda like machinery.. you lost your worth after awhile..
and because of all this competitvieness kids start studyning earlier and harder..
does the country or the world have to grow that fast?
and right now degrees are fiiling our land like leftovers..
is that the only way to gauge people to get them job.. and this world has become a hard stonecold society esp. in urban areas.. where humans see each other as separate entities and this makes the society separated..
basically my life sucks..
and everyones life sucks..honestly..apart form like taking it slow..and taking a break at times..
its virtually impossible..
take it slow and your boss slacks your ass..
take a break .. like you can afford to..
we have been enslaved by the system.. and eventually phds won't be enough for a managerial post no more..
its going down..

i think i should go jump now..