Monday, October 30, 2006

men are needy to..

i suddenly realise.. men who are needy.. are not really rare.. in fact its really real..

so women out there.. please just try to get it ..

i mean women can be independant..but does it actually mean that men could really be eradicated..

as women become more independant.. and in some extremes more masculine..

well but if thats the case.. i guess men are goign to turn the other way..

unless its a whole world full of alpha males..

well ain't all that..


ok maybe not.. haha....

well its a piece of rambling .. but pinch of salt or pennies.. either case..

its not about men rule.. or watever.. but just leave them alone kinda..

well it would great to have some really woman to jsut voice right out about the sorta men they want..

so.. here there.. where.. watever..

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