Sunday, July 29, 2007

flirtatious me..?

alot going through my brain right now..

so much so.. i need an exit.. that no one could provide ...
a lonesome corner of sorts...

the sort where you wish the whole world could relay the message to ones ears..
true hints.. as though a population of hints were flowing right through and the listener would pick out specifics.. nd catch the hint...

unfortunately however such subtlety does no exist...
and knowing it so blatantly kinda makes it harder for
one to find such avenues.

i have recently been twining into this gargantuan ball called love...

or in my sister's opinion.."not another one of your silly infatuations.. sigh..."

which could be so.. and it does seem alittle far fetched.. but the main difference is the response.. it ain a... i like you very much.. and then girls runs away like she sees a ghost scenario...

its when "i love you back" appears and suddenly.. i am on cloud "not sure howmany"

and then.. all the hestiations clear.. and i feel so gratified to be able to pronounce that the ambiguity has gone... but a long wait has just begun..

somehow one would think.. wat if.. thinks just fall through..with i thousand "no"s i hope it does not..

well.. just praying to whoever is the all powerful supreme being or otherwise who is somehow yoyo-oing with my fate string or seomthing.. please.. dun do this for too long..

and i miss her sooo much... i could almost not bear it.. not being able to see her.. but to always think of her.. and have images of her flashing by...

i just miss her..

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