my, when you reveal your true colors in love, you're a
You usually love to stand out from the crowd — and with your taste that's typically not hard to do. You're the kind of person who knows how to put your best foot forward in terms of appearance. In fact, most times you make the kind of stylish effort that many people fail to. This is because you want to be at your best when you're out and about. Status symbols can be attractive to you and you've probably even accumulated a few of your own. After all, it's fun having your friends admire you for your possessions and achievements.
Your preference for cosmopolitan things likely goes beyond your taste in clothes. As a result, you're apt to enjoy art, local hot spots, and a wide variety of trendy restaurants or ethnic foods. Sophisticated partners like you often opt to seek out new and stimulating experiences. Indeed your varied interests and hobbies make you a unique, well-rounded person who others may find fascinating.
When it comes to the dating game, love-at-first-sight probably seems a bit fantastical for your tastes. On the whole, your type tends to be more practical about matters of the heart. As a result, you're unlikely to place having a deeply connected relationship above your other pursuits. On the contrary, you seem to feel that neither partner's higher goals should be compromised by a relationship — otherwise it's not a good one. Because of your independent, often ambitious nature, you can be sensitive about having ample "me time," regardless of the quality of your coupling. In fact, couples who enjoy being together 24-7 probably baffle you. For your relationships to be happy ones, it will ordinarily be important that each person maintains responsibility for their own life and contentment. To do so, you may want to maintain some friendships separate from your partner's and encourage them to do the same.
As a sensual person with a rich fantasy life, you can bring a great deal of passion and creativity to the bedroom. In fact, the physical high of sex can become a more important focus of your relationships than other aspects of sharing. Because you know that you place a high priority on sex in your relationships, it will be important to find someone who shares this priority. Staying in a relationship that doesn't fulfill you this way might lead to heartache later on.
When a tough day has you feeling low, sophisticated partners like you can sometimes dwell on problems and sorrows until they seem much larger than they really are. At times, you might even find yourself avoiding contact with others or feeling uncomfortable in your environment. This behavior is so contrary to how you normally feel and act that it should be easy to recognize when you're dropping into the doldrums. Once you realize what's happening, surround yourself with friends and stop being so hard on yourself! With people around to cheer you, you're likely to be back to your old self in no time.
Most of the time, you are an easygoing individual who can accept criticism with a grain of salt. So if a friend, lover, or colleague offers you some constructive feedback, you usually won't take their words too personally. That doesn't mean, however, that their criticism will not fall on deaf ears. Just the opposite, you're very likely to incorporate their ideas into your life so you can be a better person in the future. That's one of your strengths: You continually try to improve yourself at each new stage of your life. You're the kind who gives life your all and works to distinguish yourself. This drive and optimism about the future is sure to keep you on the path to success in life and in love.
Whether you're new to the dating scene or a self-proclaimed expert, your perspective about dating will go a long way toward determining your ultimate success in finding the partner who's right for you. Just remember that no matter what your view of dating is today, you always have the power to change it if it isn't bringing you what you desire. Here's what your colors revealed about your present outlook:
With your cheerful, optimistic attitude, you probably won't be single any longer than you want to be. Although, these traits make you the kind of person who's happier and more comfortable going solo than many people are. However, that doesn't mean that you're not looking for someone to share your life with. In fact, that kind of deep emotional connection can be very important to you. Because you're a generally social person, it's likely that you have a healthy number of friends and acquaintances. Each one of these people offers you a higher chance of meeting new people to date. The more you get yourself out there, the more likely you are to find that special someone.
As you venture out to find your life partner, use your well-developed imagination to come up with creative ways to meet new people. Your tendency to indulge in fantasy, romance, and the magic of chance, makes it so that you probably have no problem envisioning a million ways you could find love. Now, all you need to do is put those dreams into action. Try going to new places, getting involved in new activities, and seeking out inventive ways to meet singles. You might even want to try online dating. As much as you may wish for it, your dream date is not going to drop into your lap one day. Instead, you'll need to focus on your goal and create new and exciting possibilities.
Once you find yourself as part of a couple, the way you and your new partner handle disagreements will become crucial to your relationship's long-term success. Realistically, you can't expect to avoid relationship problems entirely, so it's best understand whether or not the way you and your partner argue is compatible. This is something you'll usually be able to determine within the first three months of a relationship, and sometimes even sooner.
In your case, you feel that it's important for both parties to feel heard in an argument. So if your partner yells at you, you're likely to try to calm things down so the two of you can have a more rational discussion. Sometimes, though, you may lose your temper as well and respond by yelling back. Your primary goal in most arguments is to get your partner to understand your position and persuade them to feel the way you do. However, you are also concerned about how your partner is feeling. As a result, you'll ordinarily try to understand their perspectives as well. In relationships, you'd probably do best with a mate who can stand up for themselves and explain how they're feeling when they're upset.
If your partner confronts you when you've done something wrong, you may try to change the subject rather than face the consequences. If that doesn't work, you'll likely make other attempts to displace the tension. You're one to believe that sometimes talking about relationship problems only serves to make them worse. So although you can usually hold your own in an argument, in some cases you'd prefer to "agree to disagree" on issues that seem impossible to resolve.
The way a person ends their relationships is often a sign of both the maturity one gains through experience and the compassion one has for their romantic partners. Your colors showed that you can be a real pro when it comes to ending romances gracefully. At the close of a relationship, you're much more likely to make the effort to discuss your feelings with your ex, rather than leave them with questions about what went wrong. You're also one who'll typically offer support during this sad time by listening and letting your ex share their feelings with you. By ending romances this way, you ordinarily have the benefit of remain friends later if you choose to.
Now that you know what your color choices revealed about you in love, it's time to find out more about color itself.
The physical world is full of color. However, in its most scientific sense, color is simply a description of the way your eyes perceive an object as it interacts with light, and the way your brain interprets it. When you look at an object in the presence of light, you see the light reflected from that object. It is in this way that you're able to distinguish between hundreds of colors. Colors are wavelengths of light, recognized by sensory cones in the eye's retina. So recognizing color is actually one of the human body's many miraculous talents.
People communicate about colors through language — in this case, English. However, not all languages have the same kinds of color distinctions. For example, studies of the linguistic treatment of color have revealed that some languages do not make a distinction between green and blue or yellow and orange. Differences in color perceptions are not only blurry between different cultures; they can be problematic within cultures as well. Even if two people speak the same language, they can view color with different eyes. Imagine two people looking at a sunset: One sees more pink, the other sees more purple. It depends on their individual perceptions. However, even with this imprecision, there is a high agreement between people regarding basic color names and distinctions. It's this fact that makes a discussion of color possible.
While you may think of vision as the primary way that people experience color, people also "feel" color. In the presence of different colors, our physical bodies can feel different. And researchers can measure these effects by changes in blood pressure, eye blink frequency, heart rate, and respiration. Western scientists agree that colored light can be used in treating medical patients with certain conditions. For example, premature babies with jaundice are cured by a chemical reaction triggered by exposure to blue light for several days. It is also known that red light is more likely to produce epileptic seizures than blue light. Western science did not discover these reactions to colored light, though. It is actually the ancient cultures of Egypt, China, and India that have histories of healing with color.
Outside of our physical or sensory experience of color, we also have psychological or emotional responses to colors. The most universal psychological responses to colors divide the color spectrum into "warm" and "cool" colors. Warm colors include red, orange, and yellow. They are believed to be stimulating or energizing (which are active or externally-driven responses). Cool colors include blue, green, and purple and are felt to be calming or peaceful (which are passive or internally-focused responses). Interestingly enough, these emotional reactions correspond with the physiological affects that colored light has on the body.
Beyond these major classifications, color attributions become varied and divergent across both cultures and individuals. For example, in Western culture, white is the traditional color for a wedding dress, whereas white is the color for mourning in China. There are many such discrepancies in the way people from different cultures think about particular colors. In addition to cultural feelings about color, people's perceptions of colors may also be affected by their ages, moods, life experiences, personalities, or mental health. People who share these characteristics, often share a common perception of colors.