Sunday, May 08, 2005

happy mummy day..

to many .. me included.. mothers day is kinda like a gimmick..a very big one indeed.. infact most festivals are..but i still celebrate it.. wat the hell.haha.. i guess good food and a merry company of people just do for me..

went for buffet with my family..and we sat down for mum btw is not particular fond of western cuisine or anything really snazzy for that goign for international buffet for her is a waste of money.. but considering the spread we ate.. it was pretty worth it..of course the best part of the eating.. would be the durian pengat .. creamy .. rich... smooth.. cool.. authentic durian taste..just heavenly... ah.....hehe..

then after the nice family dinner.. we went for a stroll at clarke quay.. and brought my mum out.. my mum have sacrifice alot of her time taking care of us.. that she has not seen much of outside.. so she tends to be overly protective as wat she gets is from news and newspaper.. so for pple who went out with me before.. sorry but i still have a curfew. although its now extended to about 1..heheh..

gotta go sleep.. nites..

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