Wednesday, December 07, 2005

been there done that..or have i

sigh.. with a big "s"

to be absolutely honest.. i dunnot know if i am here to to blog for others to see.. or for me to clarify my thots..

this is like the pensieve for those who have seen the latest harry potter movie..

yet some how..things done are not without regret.. or hesitation.. whichever may exist..

i did some thing yesterday.. something that laid me in a state of both anxiety and a litte excitement.. at least at the point of it being done..

then there after..i gotten alittle cringed.. i am some how unable to grasp how the receiving end responded and this lead me to a platform on which i some how waited for the right moment to embark.. and yet somehow. it seems my eagerness has turned the game around.. and led me to this state of uncertainty.. where i stand on this very platform but only that it lays swinging.. on the threads of a pendulum.. hanging on every word that the receiving end.. would then bring forth..

i had hoped.. that my words lain upon here..are not to be wryed by the thots that are to manifest in the minds of those who've seen wat i have to say..

till i blog again

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