Friday, July 01, 2005

1st of july on the second of july..

july first... never knew i could squeeze so many things in one day..and it bloody tiring..haha..

its early in the morning and i was getting ready to get to school .. it was about 5 30 when i arose from my dreamy bassinet.. as i wallow in my blanket and deliberate between waking up and continuing to sleep..i almost wish to skip my lessons that day.. had a late nite the previously..was feelin totally burned out...

then in came my dad.. telling me to wake my ass up cos they were going the hi commision to have my passport (which was goign to expire) redone.. so off i got out of my bed..most unwillingly..then headed out to wash up and immediately started to notice the bustle in the sisters are filling up their forms..dressing up.. and i stroll or rather dragged my self into my room.. and prepare to get out of my house to some darn place just to avoid the queue but at least i get to skip school..haha..

like most mornings..i was mostly fresh out of the off we went... only me and my sisters(cos my parents had theirs done)..and waiitng for taxi in the morning was hell man..maybe if i wasn't freshen up it wouldmnot feel so bad..but it was hell... those cabbies just dun know when to bloody change to the damn "hired" lights.. and had us wave for nuts.. then at last not being able to stand it..we called for a cab..

at the hi-commision.we when to get our pictures taken and out documens done.. next was the dreadful would be a two hour long sit.. (at least we gotta sit..)luckily i got my car mags and music..or else i think i would die in there man..after the numbers rang.. we proceeded to the desks and got our prints and further procedures done..beofre we headed off..

we finally step away from the place.. and boy did it feel good.. imgine you being monitored by security guards for like two whole hours and they are like fat burly and got knows wat they laugh at from time to time..haha.. just round the corner.. i came across a that should be no stranger to anyone who knows wat national education is ..the Armenian Church..well its not as grand or even neraly as big as the St. Andrew's Cathedral..but it was nice peaceful corner kinda place.. it almost rustic..and the fact that it looked so plain from the out side kinda made it easy to miss amongst the many high rise buildings around there..

the path that lead inwards was a granite laden path (not polished granite but granite chips).. a few steps into the parameters of the church.. the church entrance comes into view and the marble laden grandeur of the interior and the stillness of the altar seem to just make you want to sit down and stare at its humble beauty for as long as one the sweet smell of incense fills my senses.. it was beautiful.. and to be able to view this without tourists snapping pictures and chattering around you was just lovely....

then it was out to the court yard where sculptures stood..and the birds chirped but too bad the areas around it was all urbanised leading to the imperfections of noise and air pollution form passing vehicles.... it was others wise a lovely place to sit down for the afternoon..for tea maybe..


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"The Armenian Church of St Gregory the Illuminator"

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the prominent architecture of the church..

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a wider shot...

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the altar..

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the greenery in the courtyard..

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Jesus carry the cross upon his back.. the other i assume to be Simon of Cyrene
As they went out, they came upon a man of Cyrene, Simon by name; this man they compelled to carry his cross. Jesus told his disciples, “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

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Jesus with the cross again..

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an angel invites one to sit and rest ones feet..

then it was time to head to school... for my first and alst lesson of the day..hahaonly one hour.. but it was torturous and i was beginnnignto get it less and less .. gosh..some one.. help..haha

then rushed to the library to hand Sam his dvd..before rushing off again..

it was the 1st of July..and time for yet another birthday...readers who read my earlier posts would know of my working at the science center before and she is one of the sista figures i met there.. and till today still in contact..well its her bday so met her up for lunch..she works in some carpetting firm and so coincidentally... her company provides the carpets for a particualr building in my school and that day she was handing over somethings so she met me up in school.. was suppose to be i go meet her up.. but she turned up instead..haha..

after meeting up.. we took a ride downtown where we had sakae sushi in wheelock place... on the way it seems the topics never really change.. it would be work and work.. i guess it cos of the lifestyles..and i seem to get all tied up in her face..and further more we haven met in ages... so much has changed..well she looked the same though..

then after lunch .. we decided to go round her workplace since she had to return in the first place.. and it was fabulous..the entire place had that.. so relaxed resort style to it..and its basically the modernists kinda furniture place.. which in other words means too bloody expensive for people like me to afford..hahaha

after which i finally got home.. where i crashed....zzzzz


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candid scary..

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trying to act cute..she tried really hard..can't tell hor..hhahah

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classic i look cool look..but with a warm smile like that..hmm..haha

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beauty and the beast..(blame it on the durian feasting)..haha

at my da jie work place..

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wat a dreamy looking daybed..fantastic.. but the pricetag is a phat 8000 buckeroos man!!!..

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i felt like sleeping in it right then..haha

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lovely looking lamp..creativity is definitely the word..but the price..ermm..

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this is another fantastic lamp..maybe cos i like durians..haha..

thats all .. gotta crash..again..hehe..

till i blog again.

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