Friday, March 04, 2005

i wish i had not grown up.

i fell like i should not have grown up..
i feel like being a kid would have been better,,
alot of complications make you mad.. and many things start rushing at you like waves upon you in the open sea..choking you and depriving you off your air..

i wish i was taken care off with less to do less to worry but i can;t..
on the other hand i wish i were independant..but without pple to hold me back and tell me wat to do and wat not to do..

i lived in singapore as in most developing nations have been trying to push things in the country to its supposed "optimum" state.. wats that all about.. to maintain competitiveness.. i feel its bull sh#t.. humans are organisms.. even machines running at "optimal" rates breakdown.. thsi may sound sad but i feel we as its pple has been explioted kinda like machinery.. you lost your worth after awhile..
and because of all this competitvieness kids start studyning earlier and harder..
does the country or the world have to grow that fast?
and right now degrees are fiiling our land like leftovers..
is that the only way to gauge people to get them job.. and this world has become a hard stonecold society esp. in urban areas.. where humans see each other as separate entities and this makes the society separated..
basically my life sucks..
and everyones life sucks..honestly..apart form like taking it slow..and taking a break at times..
its virtually impossible..
take it slow and your boss slacks your ass..
take a break .. like you can afford to..
we have been enslaved by the system.. and eventually phds won't be enough for a managerial post no more..
its going down..

i think i should go jump now..

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