Monday, January 17, 2005

today was really bad..

i guess almost as bad as any i have had in years... i woke up and was most certainly late for my lesson.. but made it by a tooth.. into the classroom.. not that the teacher would really bother us about anything like not coming on time.. especially when its the first lesson of the day... but.. for those who have pon teng lessons.. ever felt insecure.. like you may misss out on something good during lesson..well theabove was not meant to preach.. but just hope to see more people during lessons.. maybe..although a few missing ones would be kinda hilarious...sometimes cos the teacher actually takes it that they are in class and calls for them umpteen times.. each time only to realise that they aren't here yet...

then chemistry was cancelled.. which lead to an upsetting afternoon.. of slacking.. too much of the good thing is bad..slcking kinda makes one feel ampty.. but it kinda robs you off your purpose for the time being...(those who think i was blabering nonsense .. you are absolutely right) then i was later joined by two of my classmates doin miniscules portions of work..but better then none..

followed by lunch and Math...has anyone ever seen how redundant math is,. in certain areas of our lifes.. not the basic arithmatic parts.. but wat the shit issit about..diferenciation and algebra that most pple have to go through wiht.. its not the teachers or the notes.. its just the!!!!

and then its the part of the day when i take my leisurely 2 hour ride home and look out of the bus windows to see pple waitng for the service to pick them up.. and send them home..also the passing streets as i gradually dozed off....

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