Thursday, January 25, 2007
i miss you so..
not that i have tried.. and not that i am that stupid.. ahah...
well familiar as it is in the song playing ..
well its nice to miss and be miss..
kinda like a moment of anguish .. awaiting the one shine.. the very minute glimmer of hope..
the first rays of sunlight that beams itself into and blows all that overcasts all the glory..
tilll i blog again..
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
me and leiyeng..
this is leiyeng.. a friend whom i got to know at sp when i was in cscc.. who is very rpo in japanese haha.. so we were kinda thinking of hanging out and gotta find something original.. in the end its some picnic at sentosa.. cos we were really bored.. and in the end we looked like lobsters.. and we went home shortly after...hehe
roasting nicely.. soon to come.. peeling episode.. aha..
wat a way to go..
k.. normal day at work.. and suddenly this perons you see hear looms in to view.. wow.. haah..
well she is yiying.. aka bunnyy.. dun ask me about the "yy" figure it out yourself.. haha.. well.. well i only knew her from my cousin yawwy.. and we never ever met.. but then through sheer dumb luck.. we bumped into each other and met up during the weekneds for dinner..
so it was meet up at p.s.
dined at fish and co. @ the glass house.. got seats up stairs.. did not know it was open..
and later deserts at haagen daz @holland v..
then it was drop and
meeting someone i never meet before..
need to do this more often
just in case..
to fulfill the curious few who wish to see the after math.. well this is it.. relaly moody.. like.. one faint breathe of air moving and you'll DIE.. hahah..
well.. it was fun..
drawing hand??
ok.. its new years eve.. areally old piece here.. and sory but photobucket is really irritating.. well apart fomr the irate thing well com kinda went hay wire abit.. maybe its a little new.. need to be run in.. sorta.. this is Eunice and she was my kindergarten classmate.. very embarassing stuff.. but enuff about that.. years eve and she ain too happy..cos we were doign uno stacko.. and she got drawn cos she fell it twice.. then we got too tired.. and i buggered off.. cos it was late.. sort off.. ahhaha..
hope she does not kill me.. haha
omg.. is that a lobster.. haha
at sentosa..
met in the morning.. both very sleepy.. haha
and i was late.. a rarity if i might add.. most of the time i am early.. ahah
well went to sentosa and lazed about in the sun..
yummy.. ahha..
chips and drinks.. with loads of crap..
and the sun was so playing with us.. we moved in to the shade and not too soon after
it shifts out and we are in the glaring sun again..
really roasting stff.. if i could withstnad high heat..
i would have turned into char siew.. which i have sort off..
and so have valerie.. hehe...
then fomr snetosa we walked abotu in vivo..
grabbed a bite and headed home..
well bellly late.. gotta shleep..
till i blog again..
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
so bear with me please.. alot to come..and its snowballing really bad.. sorry.